July 3rd, #Summatime

July 3rd, 2014- #Summatime



This right here is called a HABOOB. Scary looking? But funny name right? 

Haboob (Huh-Boob) A thick dust storm or sandstorm that blows in the deserts of North Africa and Arabia or on the plains of India. 
Although we are no where near the deserts of North Africa, nor Arabia, Phoenix carries out the most craziest dust storms in monsoon season. I love it. It’s something different from your average sunny day. 

**Thank you Eddie Bear, for letting me use your picture. Credit goes to you, because when I went out to take a picture, I was in the middle of it getting dust particles in my mouth.*

The Book of AWESOME

It’s been a while since I opened this book. I just want to share a list of all the “awesome” things that you might bump into while you go through-out your day, and take a moment to really appreciate the small things (:

1. The other side of the pillow

-You know, the cold side.

2. Fixing electronics by smacking them

3. Peeling an orange in one shot

4. The final seconds of untangling a really big knot

5. The ‘thank-you’ wave when you let someone merge in front of you

6. The smell of rain

7. Getting off an airplane after a long flight

-Ok, I never been on a plane before, but wouldn’t it be like a long drive with no stops?

8. Perfectly toasted toast

-We don’t need the small burnt crumbs falling everywhere anyways.

9. Remembering a word that’s been on the tip of your tongue for so long

10. Locking people out of the car and pretending to drive away

-Ok, this might sound mean, but who hasn’t done this?!

11. Laughing so hard you make no sound at all

-As well as clapping, looking like a retarded seal.

12. Managing to squeeze out just enough toothpaste for one last brush

13. Finding the tv remote after looking for it forever

-This goes along with keys, wallets, cell phones, etc.

14. Sleeping with one leg under the covers and one leg out

15. Smell of campfire

16. Moving all your clothes from the washer to the dryer without dropping anything


17. That one really good pen that never gets lost

18. Waking up and realizing its Saturday

19. The gas arrow

-A filled up car is a happy car.

20. The 5 minute nap that feels like you have been asleep for hours & waking up feeling refreshed

“Sometimes it’s easy to forget the things that makes us smile. Sometimes it’s tempting to feel that the world is falling apart. But awesome things are ALL around us.” –The Book of Awesome Neil Pasricha